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Welcoming Immigrants and Refugees

You shall love...your neighbor as yourself

Luke 10:27, NAB

The human dignity of the immigrant, the refugee and the asylee—regardless of personal circumstances, background, or even legal status—must not be forgotten when considering how to manage immigration practices.

While immigration policy is considered a federal issue, Michiganders still have a responsibility for welcoming the strangers who find their way here, and to seek to improve access to education and basic services for immigrants and refugees.

To provide welcome to immigrants and refugees here in Michigan, MCC supports:

Foundational Documents

News Releases

  1. Catholic Conference Welcomes House Resolution in Support of Welcoming Afghan Refugees to Michigan (10/05/21)
  2. MCC Advocates for Driver License Access for Undocumented Persons (09/20/16)
  3. Catholic Church in Michigan Stands Ready to Assist Refugees (11/16/15)
  4. ‘A Blueprint for the Common Good’ (02/09/15)
  5. Regarding Governor Snyder’s Comments on Immigration During State of the State Address (01/16/14)

Additional Resources

  1. The Word from Lansing Column:
    1. The Infinite Dignity of Each Person Must Shape Our Public Policies (06/25/24)
    2. Five Legislative Issues Catholics Should Know About in 2024 (01/09/24)
    3. Our Plan to Advance the Common Good This Legislative Session (02/03/23)
    4. 2019–2020: A Blueprint for the Common Good (01/25/19)
    5. The Issues, The Candidates, and Your Vote 2018 (09/28/18)
  2. Refugees and Catholic Social Teaching (Focus Essay, 3/2016)
  3. Justice for Immigrants (USCCB Initiative, 2013)
  4. Parish Resource Kit on Immigration Issues (USCCB, 2013)
  5. Statement on Immigration (Michigan Bishops, 2011)
  6. Declaraciónes Sobre la Inmigración (Los Obispos Católicos de Michigan, 2011)
  7. On Immigration (Focus Essay, 5/2008)
