Upholding the Dignity of Human Life
Every human being is created in the image and likeness of God. Human life is sacred, and the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society.
Because human life is sacred, every person—regardless of his or her stage of life or condition—has a universal right to live. Upholding the dignity of life applies to every person in every circumstance throughout life, from conception to natural death.
To uphold and protect the dignity of every human person, MCC supports:
- Recognizing and protecting the value of every person’s life from conception to natural death.
- Initiatives and pregnancy care programs that provide and expand alternatives to abortion, as well as assist pregnant and parenting women with prenatal, postpartum, and adoption services.
- Eliminating abortion and promoting the health and safety of women.
- Prohibiting or regulating policies that violate the dignity of the human person and the sanctity of human life, including embryonic stem cell research, human cloning, and upholding Michigan’s surrogacy laws.
- Seeking to reduce violence in society, including the reduction of access to guns and increase in access to mental health and addiction treatment for high-risk groups and individuals.
- Expanding and improving end-of-life care through a person’s natural death.
- Supporting the authentic nature of the human person and recognize the inherent biological differences between males and females.
- Addressing racial injustice and promote racial harmony.
Foundational Documents
- Catechism of the Catholic Church (2258–2283)
- Evangelii Gaudium (Pope Francis, 2013)
- Evangelium Vitae (John Paul II, 1995)
- Donum Vitae (Congregation of the Faith, 1987)
- Humanae Vitae (Paul VI, 1968)
News Releases
- Final State Budget Reflects Priorities—and People—Michigan Policymakers are Willing to Support (07/24/24)
- Despite International Alarms Over the Practice, Legislature Moving to Legalize Compensated Surrogacy Contracts (03/14/24)
- After Appalling RHA Legislation Emerges from Committee, Catholic Conference Calls for Greater Respect for Women’s Health and Safety (09/20/23)
- Michigan Catholic Conference Helps Launch Statewide Campaign to Oppose Abortion-on-Demand Constitutional Proposal (05/24/22)
- To Promote Dignity and Work, MCC Encourages Support for Proposed Increase to Michigan Earned Income Tax Credit (01/26/22)
Additional Resources
- The Word from Lansing Column:
- The Infinite Dignity of Each Person Must Shape Our Public Policies (06/25/24)
- Five Legislative Issues Catholics Should Know About in 2024 (01/09/24)
- Help Your Lawmaker by Urging Them to Oppose the RHA (10/02/23)
- Our Plan to Advance the Common Good This Legislative Session (02/03/23)
- Time to Discuss Law Enforcement Reform Again After Tragic Death in Grand Rapids (05/25/22)
- Clean and Affordable Water for All (Focus Essay, 5/2019)
- Vaccinations and the Common Good (Focus Essay, 3/2018)
- Promoting a Respect for Life (Focus Essay, 12/2017)
- Confronting Violence in Society (Focus Essay, 9/2015)
- The Science of Stem Cells, Finding Cures and Protecting Life (Focus Essay, 10/2007)
- Letter to Catholics Regarding Stem Cell Research (Michigan Bishops, 10/2007)
- Statement on the Death Penalty (MCC Board of Directors, 3/1999)
- Living and Dying According to the Voice of Faith (Michigan Bishops, 9/1997)
- Lansing Update:
- MCC Releases 2024 Election Resources for Catholics (09/06/24)
- What MCC Said in Response to the New State Budget (07/26/24)
- Legislature Finishes Budget in Dramatic Fashion; Abortion Providers Use Proposal 3 to Get Judge to Block Laws Limiting Abortion (06/28/24)
- A Silver Lining for Religious Conscience Rights in Recent Supreme Court Ruling (06/14/24)
- Update on Budget Items of Interest to Catholics (06/07/24)
- Impact of Pregnancy Centers in Our State (5/2021)
- Staff Testimony: Coercive Abortion Prevention Legislation (5/2016)
- Bulletin Announcement: Passage of Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act (12/2013)
- Bulletin Insert: Human Life & Dignity Advocacy
- Video: On the Catholic Perspective on Assisted Suicide (3/2013)
- Poll: Voters Overwhelmingly Support Licensing and Inspecting Abortion Clinics (9/2012)