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News Release: State Senate Votes to Exempt Abortion Providers from Accountability Standards

Michigan Voters Never Asked for Legislators to Deregulate Abortion Industry

The dome of the Michigan State Capitol building

October 19, 2023

(Lansing, Mich.) — Michigan Catholic Conference issued the following statement in response to the state Senate passing several bills today on a party-line vote tied to the Reproductive Health Act (RHA). The quotes below may be attributed to MCC policy advocate Rebecca Mastee, J.D.

“Let’s be clear — there are no winners with these votes in the Senate today other than the abortion industry. Bills that repeal licensing and inspection standards for abortion clinics and overturn a 24-hour consent period do nothing to benefit women or protect their well-being.

“The Senate’s action today — pure and simple — inoculates abortion businesses from minimal levels of transparency and accountability. Existing policies that require screening to prevent women from being coerced into an abortion and require the dignified disposal of aborted children were also overturned.

“In advancing the Reproductive Health Act, a majority of the Michigan Senate has chosen to ignore the majority of Michigan voters and Proposal 3 supporters who favor keeping the abortion limits that RHA repeals. These bills prioritize the financial interests of the abortion industry over the health and safety of vulnerable women and have wasted precious time in a likely-shortened legislative season which otherwise could have been used toward policies that benefit all citizens of the state.

“Going forward, we urge members of the House to turn to their consciences, stand against the hostility and political pressure from the abortion lobby, and oppose the RHA bills.”

After passing the Senate today, Senate Bills 474–477 now head to the House of Representatives, which has its own package of RHA bills sitting on the House floor.

Michigan Catholic Conference is the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in this state.

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