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News Release: On the Death of Connie Binsfeld

‘A True and Faithful Public Servant’

January 14, 2014

(Lansing)—Michigan Catholic Conference President and CEO Paul A. Long released the following statement regarding the death of former Lieutenant Governor Connie Binsfeld:

“It is with great sadness to have learned of the passing of former Lieutenant Governor Connie Binsfeld. Mrs. Binsfeld was a close friend of the Michigan Catholic Conference, which is fortunate and honored to have worked with a fine woman of deep faith, humility and a dedication to public service. She was a role model for all elected officials in the graceful manner by which she conducted herself and how her deep faith informed her daily work in the legislative and executive branches, especially on behalf of children. Michigan Catholic Conference is pleased to have collaborated with Mrs. Binsfeld on her significant legislative accomplishment pertaining to surrogate motherhood and her role as honorary vice-chair of the Citizens for Compassionate Care group that defeated an assisted suicide ballot proposal in 1998. Michigan Catholic Conference and the State of Michigan this week mourn the death of a true and faithful public servant.”

Michigan Catholic Conference is the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in this state.

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