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News Release: Rebecca Mastee Joins MCC as Policy Advocate

February 13, 2012

(Lansing)—Michigan Catholic Conference announced today that Rebecca Mastee has joined the organization as Policy Advocate, effective February 20. Mastee will be responsible for promoting the MCC’s advocacy positions on pro-life, marriage and health policy legislation.

“Rebecca has developed a highly impressive track record advocating on behalf of the public policy issues that are of key concern to this organization, and we are quite pleased that she will be joining our team to help promote them in the Michigan Legislature,” said Tom Hickson, MCC Vice President for Public Policy and Advocacy.

Prior to joining the Conference Rebecca was Associate Director for Public Policy at the Montana Catholic Conference, where she led efforts to prohibit assisted suicide in that state and to protect women and children by placing safeguards on abortion. Rebecca’s resume also includes an externship at Americans United for Life, one of the premier pro-life law and policy organizations in the United States, as well as a fellowship at the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute, a Catholic non-governmental organization, where she worked with senior United Nations diplomats at the Commission on the Status of Women.

Rebecca earned her Juris Doctor degree from Ave Maria School of Law and graduated cum laude in May 2009. In 1999 she received her Bachelor of Science degree from Michigan State University with a major in physics and science and a minor in mathematics.

Michigan Catholic Conference is the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in this state.

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