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News Release: Catholic Conference Applauds Michigan House for Opposing HHS Mandate, Standing for Religious Liberty

February 15, 2012

(Lansing)—Michigan Catholic Conference released the following statement this afternoon after the Michigan House of Representatives voted 67-39 to support House Resolution 185, sponsored by Representative Andrea LaFontaine (R-Richmond Township). H.R. 185 calls on the Administration to rescind the recent Health and Human Services (HHS) contraceptive mandate, highlights the Obama Administration’s attack on religious freedom, and urges Congress to pass the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act. The Resolution passed the House Government Operations Committee earlier in the day.

“Michigan Catholic Conference applauds the Michigan House of Representatives for supporting this Resolution and commends House leadership for acting to support conscience rights and the First Amendment Right to Religious Freedom. The Obama Administration’s failure to address vehement opposition from faith-based organizations that are morally opposed to including contraception, sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs in their health benefit plans is utterly unacceptable. Quite simply, the HHS contraceptive mandate must be rescinded, and the Congress is encouraged to pass conscience protections that are embedded in H.R. 1179 and S. 1467.

Michigan Catholic Conference is also appreciative of the efforts of State Representative LaFontaine to bring forth this Resolution and for standing strongly in support of religious freedom and conscience rights in our state and our nation.”

Editor’s Note: A more detailed press release regarding the HHS mandate and the response from the Catholic Church may be read by clicking here.

Michigan Catholic Conference is the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in this state.

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