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News Release: Positives to be Found in Day of Gov. Snyder Abortion Policy Decisions

December 28, 2012

(Lansing)—“Today is a memorable day for abortion policy in the State of Michigan,” Michigan Catholic Conference stated today as Governor Snyder signed into law abortion clinic licensing policies while legislation to restructure Blue Cross Blue Shield was vetoed due to abortion provisions. The Conference is applauding the Governor's position that House Bill 5711 will work to better protect the health and safety of women in Michigan.

“Licensing and inspecting abortion clinics for health and safety standards will serve to better protect those women who, regrettably, choose the path of abortion,” said Rebecca Mastee, J.D., Michigan Catholic Conference Policy Advocate. “Michigan Catholic Conference applauds Governor Snyder for signing House Bill 5711 into law and extends its appreciation for the governor's effort to prioritize women’s health and safety. Despite the partisan campaign rhetoric and theatrics that accompanied House Bill 5711 through its legislative journey, good public policy that promotes the dignity of women has proven to be the winner.”

Abortion Provisions in Blue Cross Legislation

“The Affordable Care Act (ACA) specifically allows states to opt out of abortion coverage in its health care exchanges, and there will be opportunities in the coming legislative session to further address abortion coverage in health insurance plans. No person or employer should be forced to pay for another person's abortion, especially at it pertains to matters of conscience. Michigan Catholic Conference looks forward to working with the administration and the legislature to craft agreeable policy that ensures abortion—the intentional destruction of unborn human life—is not paid for at the expense of unwitting persons.”

Michigan Catholic Conference is the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in this state.

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