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News Release: Statement on Inclusion of 6% EITC in Senate Tax Legislation

May 12, 2011

(Lansing)—Michigan Catholic Conference released the following statement today supporting the inclusion of a 6 percent state Earned Income Tax Credit in tax reform legislation that has passed the Senate Reforms, Restructuring and Reinventing Committee. The following comments may be attributed to Michigan Catholic Conference Vice President for Public Policy Tom Hickson:

“The tax legislation that moved out of the Senate committee today recognizes the positive impact a state Earned Income Tax Credit has on the working poor population of the state and their children. While the House version that preserved the state EITC at $25 per child for those with children was a step in the right direction, the flat 6 percent credit passed by the committee today improves upon the House version and provides a simple and efficient means to provide economic relief to those with and without children who are working to stay above the poverty line.

“Michigan Catholic Conference is appreciative of the administration and legislative leaders who worked with the Conference to include a 6 percent state EITC in the Senate legislation, and now encourages support for this component of the tax bill as the Legislature continues its work today to rewrite the state’s tax code. The Conference is also appreciative of support from Governor Snyder, who this morning agreed [Link no longer available —Ed.] with radio personality Michael Patrick Shiels that the 6 percent EITC is a reasonable compromise.”

Michigan Catholic Conference is the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in this state.

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