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News Release: On the Passage of Welfare Reform Legislation

July 13, 2011

(Lansing)—Michigan Catholic Conference Vice President for Public Policy Tom Hickson released the following statement today regarding legislation that passed the State Senate, House Bills 4409 and 4410, which seek to reform the state’s welfare assistance program:

“From the beginning of this legislative session Michigan Catholic Conference has consistently stated that a clear indicator of the moral strength of a society is the assistance it provides its most needy citizens. Unfortunately, the bills that passed the State Senate today will only create wider cracks through which more people will fall. While the Conference is appreciative of the exemptions for disabled persons, their caregiver and the parent of a disabled child, as well as the increased income disregard that was included in earlier legislation passed by the House, there is still significant work that should be done. It is our hope that the Legislature will include additional amendments to improve an otherwise harmful package of bills to reform Michigan’s Family Independence Program.”

Michigan Catholic Conference is the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in this state.

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