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News Release: In Statement, Michigan Bishops Urge Support for Immigrants, Undocumented Persons

August 3, 2011

(Lansing)—Stating that it is unfair and mistaken to blame undocumented persons for problems more accurately attributed to a failed federal policy, the seven diocesan Catholic Bishops in Michigan have composed a statement on the public policy issue of immigration that is now being sent to Catholics across the state, to members of the Michigan Legislature and to the Michigan congressional delegation.

The statement was coordinated by the Michigan Catholic Conference, the public policy voice of the Catholic Church in Michigan. Written in both English and Spanish, the statement may be found online at

The purpose for the bishops’ statement is to draw attention to the lack of a cohesive and effective federal policy on immigration that addresses the common good for all peoples in the country, and to point out that Congress’s failure to enact comprehensive immigration reform has lead to individual states, including Michigan, to address the issue. The bishops are calling on the Michigan Legislature to reject any measure that impugns immigrants, especially the undocumented, and are urging members of the Michigan congressional delegation to contribute to federal efforts that seek to fix the nation’s immigration system.

Should the Michigan Legislature address immigration legislation, the bishops state any measure must strive to:

According to the bishops’ statement “The federal government has the responsibility to enact and enforce laws that treat migrant peoples with the same dignity as its native-born citizens. As such, there must be a concerted effort to find a pathway toward citizenship for undocumented persons who live here, who work here, have raised a family here and have contributed to the common good.”

The seven diocesan bishops in Michigan are Most Reverend Allen H. Vigneron, Archbishop of Detroit; Most Reverend Bernard A. Hebda, Bishop of Gaylord; Most Reverend Walter A. Hurley, Bishop of Grand Rapids; Most Reverend Paul J. Bradley, Bishop of Kalamazoo; Most Reverend Earl Boyea, Bishop of Lansing; Most Reverend Alexander K. Sample, Bishop of Marquette; and Most Reverend Joseph R. Cistone, Bishop of Saginaw.

Michigan Catholic Conference is the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in this state.

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