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2024 Election Resources for Catholics in Michigan

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    MCC Board Statement on Constitutional Convention

    Michigan Catholic Conference has approved a statement that does not support the call for a constitutional convention in 2010. Michigan voters at the November 2010 general election ballot will decide whether or not the state will conduct a constitutional convention in 2011. Article 12, Section 3 of the 1963 Michigan Constitution calls for a vote of the people every 16 years to determine if delegates appointed from each House and Senate district should rewrite the state’s guiding document.

    Human Service Advocacy Groups to Legislature “The Price of Shared Pain is Too Costly”

    On Wednesday, August 5, several statewide human service advocacy groups, including the Michigan Catholic Conference, conducted a press conference at the State Capitol urging the Legislature not to balance the state’s budget deficit on the backs of the poor. The message was included in a letter signed by 27 organizations calling for an end to the “shared pain” approach to balancing the $1.8 billion deficit.

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