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News Release: Catholic Conference Praises Michigan State Medical Society’ “Neutral’ Position on Embryo Destructive Research

May 5, 2008

(LANSING)—Michigan Catholic Conference President and Chief Executive Officer Sister Monica Kostielney, R.S.M., released the following statement regarding Michigan State Medical Society’s decision of May 4 to move its position on embryo destructive research from support to neutral:

“The ‘neutral’ position adopted by the state’s most prominent and trusted medical society on embryo destructive research further illustrates how divisive and controversial the proposed constitutional amendment truly is. Michigan Catholic Conference welcomes the medical society’s decision to abandon its support for embryo destructive research, and enthusiastically greets MSMS’ efforts to educate its members on the possible ballot proposal.

“Stem Cell Research BQC, the organization promoting embryo destructive research in Michigan, has suffered a significant blow in its campaign to further mislead and deceive Michigan voters. Every moment spent discussing the destruction of human embryos is a moment lost promoting the dozens of therapies and cures continually realized by adult stem cell research.”

Michigan Catholic Conference is the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in this state.

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