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2024 Election Resources for Catholics in Michigan

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A Call to Solidarity with the Vulnerable Citizens of Michigan

The Church has always held a special concern for the poor and most vulnerable. In response to the current state economic and political conditions, the Michigan Catholic Conference Board of Directors is compelled to call the people in our state to solidarity with the vulnerable citizens of Michigan. We share with pride the values of providing and maintaining basic human services which have been a Michigan tradition.

We reaffirm our commitment to protect the dignity of each human person. To prevent the erosion of this ideal, it is necessary to keep concerned vigilance over services which care for the vulnerable members of our society—the poor, especially women and children, the homeless, the aged and the sick.

This call places a responsibility on all of us to be creative in working together to provide access to basic human needs, to assist people to become economically independent, and to promote and equitable tax structure and a just distribution of resources. The MCC hereby pledges to educate and to advocate on behalf of the vulnerable. We especially call the Catholic community to join in this response to ensure economic justice for all the citizens of Michigan.