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Lansing Update publishes on Fridays when the Michigan Legislature is in session and chronicles legislative activity of interest to Michigan Catholic Conference. Join the Catholic Advocacy Network to receive Lansing Update in your inbox.

    June 16, 2017

    Dramatic photo of a small girl with pigtails holding up her hand in a

    Omnibus Budget Bills Return to Conference Committees; Governor Signs Bill Allowing Expert Testimony in Human Trafficking Cases; The Word from Lansing Column: Raising Awareness About the Dignity of Children; Legislation Addressing Prostitution Exemption for Law Enforcement Clears House Committee; FGM Package Headed Soon for Governor's Desk; Senate Approves Knights of Columbus Fundraising Plate With Wide Support; Health Policy Committee Sends MI-Post Legislation On to Full House; Michigan House of Representatives Widely Supports Opioid Package.

    June 9, 2017

    Michigan Catholic Conference's Board of Directors, which includes the bishops of each arch/diocese in the state, meet with lawmakers at the State Capitol in Lansing
    Photo by Patrick Yockey, Michigan Senate CommunicationsPhoto credit

    Lawmakers Greet Michigan's Bishops at State Capitol Luncheon; U.S. Bishops to Gather for Mass of Prayer and Penance for Survivors of Abuse; Conference Committees Pass Revised Budget Proposals for 2017–2018 Year; Human Trafficking Expert Testimony Legislation Awaits Governor's Consideration; Knights of Columbus Fundraising Bill Continues to Full Senate; After Passing the House, Senate Committee Next Stop for FGM Package; Sanctuary City Debate: MCC Neutral on Legislation But Raises Concerns; Opioid Measures Continue Forward in Both Chambers; Bill on Local Governments and School Sale Passes House Committee.

    June 2, 2017

    Young boy using a hose to water a newly planted tree

    USCCB Urges Broadening of HHS Mandate Exemption; Conference Committees to Meet Next Week on State Budget; Senate Committee Unanimously Reports Expert Witness Testimony Bill; Spina Bifida Information Bill to Be Considered Next By Full House; U.S. Bishops Regret President's Withdrawal From Paris Agreement; U.S. Bishops Provide Senators With Moral Principles for Health Care Reform.

    May 26, 2017

    Soldier saluting an American flag waving in the wind

    Defer and Dismiss Measure for Human Trafficking Victims Becomes Law; Bills Aimed at Preventing Opioid Abuse Continue to Full House of Representatives; Knights of Columbus Fundraising Plate Considered in Senate Committee; Bills to Address Vaccination Waiver Rules Receive Much Debate in House Committee; President Trump and Pope Francis Meet at the Vatican; Memorial Day Mass Honors Ultimate Sacrifice of Service Men and Women.

    May 19, 2017

    Two women talking to one another

    Defer and Dismiss Bill for Human Trafficking Victims Headed to Governor's Desk; Revenue Estimating Conference Shows General Fund Down, School Aid Fund Up; Senate Unanimously Approves FGM Bills—Discussion Turns to House of Representatives; Human Trafficking Expert Witness Testimony Bill Moves to Michigan Senate; Spina Bifida Information Bill Considered in Committee; MCC Introduces June FOCUS: Confronting Michigan's Opioid Crisis; The Word from Lansing Column: Religious Freedom—An American Right for All.

    May 12, 2017

    Young girl staring forlornly at the camera

    Measures Move Forward in the Michigan Senate to Address Human Rights Issue; MCC: Senate E-Cigarette Bill Does Not Do Enough to Protect Children; Senate Committee Approves Measure Regarding Local Governments and School Sale.

    May 5, 2017

    President Trump speaking to the media regarding Executive Order on Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty

    Religious Liberty Executive Order Lays Groundwork for Future Efforts; USCCB Calls On U.S. Senate To Strip Harmful Proposals From House-Passed Health Care Bill; Michigan House and Senate Approve 2017–2018 State Budget Proposals; Defer and Dismiss Prostitution Bills Continue to Michigan Senate; Measures Passes Senate Committee to Preserve OK2SAY School Safety Program.

    April 28, 2017

    Mother and daughter laughing together

    2017–2018 State Budget Proposals Continue to Full House and Senate; USCCB Pro-Life Chair Calls Pro-Abortion Pledge Extreme, Disturbing, Intolerant; Safe Delivery Update Passes House Unanimously; Senate Approves Measure to Eliminate Prostitution Exemption; House Approves Charitable Gaming Bill Package With Bipartisan Support.

    April 21, 2017

    Happy child peaking through a clothing rack

    House and Senate Subcommittees Move 2017–2018 DHHS Proposals Forward; Measure to Eliminate Prostitution Exemption Passes Senate Committee; The Word from Lansing Column: Confronting Michigan's Growing Opioid Crisis.

    March 31, 2017

    New Commercials Airing Across State for Freedom to Serve Effort; Education Budget Proposals Include Recognition of Nonpublic Schools; Higher Education Budget Proposals Include Increased Funding for Important Programs; Governor Snyder Signs Criminal Justice Package Into Law; House Committee Unanimously Approves Safe Delivery Update; Charitable Gaming Legislation Continues Forward to Full House.

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