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Lansing Update: April 17, 2014

  1. Michigan Granted Employment Based Visa Center
  2. The Word from Lansing: Upholding the Truth of Marriage
  3. Bills to Streamline Adoptions Signed by Governor
  4. Happy Easter from Michigan Catholic Conference

Michigan Granted Employment Based Visa Center

Last week, Michigan became the second state in the nation to obtain approval for an employment based visa center (EB-5 visa), which will help foreign investors acquire visas for the purpose of promoting economic growth. The center will work closely with a recent department created by Governor Snyder’s administration, the Office for New Americans, to bring foreign investment to Michigan and to retain foreign students studying in the state. An individual seeking the EB-5 designation must either invest at least $500,000 in distressed areas of the state or invest $1 million elsewhere and employ at least 10 people. Michigan Catholic Conference is appreciative of efforts to bring attention to the issue of immigration and will continue to promote the passage of comprehensive immigration reform.

The Word from Lansing: Upholding the Truth of Marriage

As the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati considers Michigan’s voter-approved constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman, the continuing support of individuals and parishes is needed to stand up for the Church’s teaching. Michigan Catholic Conference’s The Word from Lansing column for April highlights the importance of retaining Michigan’s constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman. Please share this column and the bishops’ statement from March with fellow parishioners, family, and friends.

Bills to Streamline Adoptions Signed by Governor

Governor Snyder signed House Bills 4646-4648, supported by Michigan Catholic Conference, into law this week to speed up the adoption process. These bills, now officially Public Acts 117-119 of 2014, shorten the time needed to finalize an adoption for a child under one year old from six months to three months. Additionally, the measures create a time limit of five business days for a birth mother to revoke consent for an adoption and address the adoptions rights of an unmarried father. MCC is pleased to see these measures enacted, which will make it easier for Michigan’s vulnerable children to find loving homes.

Happy Easter from Michigan Catholic Conference

Michigan Catholic Conferences wishes all a blessed Triduum and Happy Easter. To view the schedule of events from the Vatican during this Holy Week, click here. These events, such as Pope Francis’s celebration of Easter Mass, can be watched live at or at

“This week, as we follow Jesus along the way of the cross, may we imitate his loving obedience to the will of the Father, especially in times of difficulty and humiliation, and open our hearts to his gifts of reconciliation, redemption and new life.”

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