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Lansing Update publishes on Fridays when the Michigan Legislature is in session and chronicles legislative activity of interest to Michigan Catholic Conference. Join the Catholic Advocacy Network to receive Lansing Update in your inbox.

    December 5, 2014

    Historic Week for Religious Liberty Policies in Michigan House; Michigan Senate Approves Prisoner Employability Bills; Sentencing Reform Bills Passed by Michigan House; Senate Committee Adopts Nonprofit Housing Property Exemption.

    November 14, 2014

    MCC Calls for Religious Liberty Legislation to Be Priority in Lame Duck; House Approves Nuisance Legislation Related to Human Trafficking; House Committee Passes Bill to Enact Human Trafficking Health Advisory Board; The Word from Lansing in November Addresses Lame Duck Session.

    November 7, 2014

    6th Circuit Upholds Michigan Marriage Amendment, Reverses District Court Decision; MCC Thanks Catholics for Election Participation; Federal Legislative Race Results; State Level Executive Race Results; Michigan Legislature Chosen, Leadership Roles Decided; “Lame Duck” Session.

    October 17, 2014

    Governor Signs Human Trafficking Bills Into Law; Governor Signs “Right To Try” Legislation; The Word from Lansing Column: Respect Life Month; Reminder: Election Materials Available At MCC Website.

    October 3, 2014

    Michigan Catholic Conference Launches 2014 Election Website; Human Trafficking Bills Close to Governor’s Desk; Michigan House Approves Non-Public School Professional Development Legislation; Bill Addressing Adoption Assistance for Disabilities Passes Legislature; Michigan Likely to Become Fourth State to Enact “Right to Try” Legislation; House Committee Considers Legislation to Create Interagency Council on Homelessness; Michigan Legislature on Fall Break.

    September 19, 2014

    Government Report Highlights Abortion Coverage in Affordable Care Act; Non-Public School Professional Development Bill Passes House Committee; Michigan House Approves Child Support Package With Wide Bipartisan Support; Asset Forfeiture Bill Passes Michigan House; The Word from Lansing Column Addresses Overcoming Obstacles to Voting.

    July 18, 2014

    Catholics Push for Compassion and Security for Migrant Children; U.S. Senate Narrowly Blocks Anti-Religious Liberty Measure; MCC Comments on Last Week’s Juvenile Life Without Parole Ruling; New Video on Charity and Justice Available.

    June 13, 2014

    Budget Process Complete; Legislature Has Recessed for Summer; Increased Funding Allocated for Pregnancy and Parenting Support Program; Department of Human Services Provides One-Time Funding for Center for Hope; Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals Denies MCC Injunction in HHS Case; MCC Applauds Senate Approval of Homestead Tax Credit Legislation; Michigan Senate Approves Updates to Prostitution Statute; Adoption Subsidy Bill Passes Michigan Senate; Senate Judiciary Committee Approves Elder Abuse Bills; Measures Considering E-Cigarettes Continue Forward; MCC Pushes for Stronger Regulations ; New Election Resources Available from MCC.

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