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Michigan Catholic Conference offers print copies of Focus free-of-charge in any amount. To order, please email Karah May or call (517) 372-9310.

    November FOCUS Spotlights Reforming Juvenile Justice in Michigan

    The U.S. bishops have recognized that the causes of crime can be complex and that “one-size-fits-all” solutions are often inadequate, especially for juvenile offenders. Unfortunately, current policies often treat juveniles as adults in sentencing for certain crimes, even though research has shown that there are significant differences in development, maturity, and decision-making between juveniles and adults. Recently more emphasis has been placed on approaches that aim to reduce incarceration rates and bring about rehabilitation through evidence-based programming. In the latest FOCUS publication, which is distributed to all the Catholic parishes and schools in the state, Michigan Catholic Conference evaluates the state of juvenile justice in Michigan and presents the role Catholic teaching on restorative justice can play in policy discussions. FOCUS includes an examination of approaches to criminal justice, a summary of current juvenile justice legislation in Michigan, and additional resources for further learning.

    New FOCUS Publication Addresses Violence in Society

    Firearm use, domestic violence, elder abuse and sexual assault are among the forms of violence addressed by Michigan Catholic Conference in its latest FOCUS publication. The document includes recommendations from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops on how to minimize violence and resources for further reading, along with quotes of interest. Legislation under consideration in Lansing supported by MCC that addresses the differing forms of violence are also included. FOCUS is distributed to Catholic institutions across the state and is available at no cost to parishes, schools or other Catholic entities. Read more about this FOCUS publication.

    May Special Election Statewide Ballot Proposal 1

    On Tuesday, May 5, 2015 Michigan voters will head to the ballot box to participate in a special statewide election. The primary purpose for this special election is to ask voters if the Michigan Constitution should be amended to raise the sales tax to pay for road and transportation infrastructure repairs. This FOCUS publication presents to Catholic and other readers a background of Proposal 1, arguments from both supporters and opponents, and the official language that will appear on the May 5 special election ballot. Michigan Catholic Conference does not have a position on Proposal 1.